Change to IEMA course puts something different in the mix…
13th June 2016
The Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) is changing the format of the IEMA Foundation Certificate in Environmental Management course. As of 01 January 2017, the course length will be increased from 24 hours (3 days) to 40 hours (5 days). Delegates who successfully complete this longer course will be qualified to the grade of IEMA Associate Membership (membership fees will apply).
In addition, delegates attending any IEMA Foundation Certificate for Environmental Management course scheduled in 2016, or delegates who have successfully completed the IEMA Foundation Certificate for Environmental Management course within the last 3 years, will also qualify for Associate Membership. This offer will only be available until 31 December 2016. No further assessments will be required, but membership fees will apply.
For more information on Mabbett training courses and this IEMA change, contact Willie Bell, Training Manager at, 0141 227 2300, or a member of our training team at