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Peer pressure works!

9th July 2013

Companies participating in an environmental management programme in Northern Ireland over the last 9 months are delivering business improvements amounting to over £184,000 in cost savings!

Mabbett delivered environmental management workshops covering the 6 phases of the BS 8555 environmental management standard structure. This was coupled with 1-to-1 on-site consultancy to help companies identify key issues and actually implement solutions.

The variety of businesses who participated in the programme brought together at the workshop sessions was another benefit. This helped attendees to see first hand that although they may have diverse products and services, common issues can be found across all businesses when it comes to environmental management. Attendee feedback on the workshops included:

“Delivered in a friendly and professional manner.”

“Very helpful, friendly event. Very informative.”

“Excellent detail in presentations, workshop and clear and helpful speakers. Thank you.”

Attendees implemented a variety of solutions including raising awareness with management and staff, waste segregation and recycling, lighting upgrades, reducing pollution through treatment units, undertaking spill response training, using switch-off campaigns, consolidating loads in trucks to reduce diesel use and implementing returnable packaging supplies to deliver an estimated £184,000 of captured savings in the first year.

The great news is that with sustainable programmes, the companies can potentially double this over the following 12 months as baseline objectives are set to control and reduce electricity, fuel oil, gas, water, packaging and wastes!

It’s always amazing how even completely different companies can apply similar lessons on resource efficiency, materials use, recycling and maintaining compliance with environmental legislation and one of the benefits of group workshops is in realising common solutions.

Over 50% of participants have already achieved registration to BS 8555 or ISO 14001 or have an audit date, helping to boost their credentials for customers and their supply chains. Remaining companies are on route to certification!

Geraldine Boylan, Director at Mabbett said “It’s been a journey to environmental enlightenment for many, but every company has been able to engage with the programme successfully. Benefits have included up-skilling the workforce in Northern Ireland, networking with others and finding that a focus on environmental issues can help make their business more sustainable through financial cost savings. A win-win for everyone! Congratulations to all the companies who participated in and engaged fully with the programme!”