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Our Archaeology & Heritage team has experience with developments of all sizes from large scale (e.g. residential, minerals, or infrastructure) to small scale (e.g. private householder projects) around the UK, with international and Expert Witness level knowledge.

Whatever the stage of the project, from initial advice to planning-related assessments, mitigation, investigation, recording and monitoring, and completion of required consent applications our team offers a full suite of services and always guides clients through the various heritage-related consenting and legal requirements.

While we consistently follow best practice guidelines in our work, our extensive experience enables us to balance our client’s commercial needs with meeting all heritage requirements.

Our Archaeology & Heritage Services include:

Archaeology Surveys:

  • Archaeological Written Schemes of Investigation (WSI)
  • Archaeological Watching Brief (controlled soil strips)
  • Geomatics
  • Geophysical Surveys
  • Archaeological Aerial Surveys
  • Metal-detector Surveys
  • Archaeological Field Walking Surveys
  • Archaeology Trial Trench Evaluation Services
  • Open Area (Archaeology) Excavation Services

Assessment & Analysis:

  • Risk Appraisal
  • Archaeological Clerk of Works
  • Archaeological Desk-Based Assessments (DBA)
  • Heritage Management Plans
  • Heritage Setting Assessments
  • Heritage Statements
  • Historic Character Appraisals
  • Heritage ES Chapters
  • Archaeology EIA Services
  • Archaeology Report for Planning Applications
  • Cultural Heritage Desk-Based Assessment

Heritage Consent Applications:

  • Scheduled Monument Consent Applications
  • Listed Building Consent Applications
  • Conservation Area Consent Applications
  • Conservation Management Plans

Specialist Analysis:

  • Geoarchaeology Analysis
  • Palaeoarchaeology Analysis
  • Environmental Archaeology Analysis
  • Forensic Archaeology Analysis
  • Osteoarchaeology Analysis
  • Archaeological Finds Analysis
  • Archaeological Finds Reporting

Built Heritage:

  • Historic Building Recording (Levels 1-4)
  • Scheduled Monument Consents
  • Conservation Management Plans
  • Visitor Interpretation Services

To find out more about how Mabbett can work with you, please get in touch.

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