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In a climate of rising water and energy costs, we provide a suite of tailored water management services to support your business in optimising water consumption and improving profitability.

Water Management Consultancy

Water is an important resource, and managing it sustainably requires a strategic approach. By optimising water efficiency, your organisation reduces carbon emissions, making water management an integral part of a Net Zero Strategy as well as a way to align with an Environmental Management System such as ISO 14001.

Water efficiency boils down to the smart use of water resources – strategically reducing water consumption so that only what is absolutely required by the process in question is used. This reduces water costs for businesses and ensures water resilience for future generations.

At Mabbett, our environmental engineers have years of experience helping organisations of all sizes optimise their water usage and reduce costs. Our water consultants can help your business to:

  • Lower water bills
  • Secure refunds for water supply and waste water overcharging
  • Offer visibility for the ways your business uses water
  • Reduce billing complexity
  • Reduce water waste
  • Identify, fix and prevent future leakages
  • Provide demonstrable green credentials
  • Find alternative water supply and waste water solutions

More detail on our approach to water management is included below.

Water Management and Business Water Audits

A business water audit is an excellent way to optimise water use within your business. A specialist auditor assesses your company’s water use and suggests ways to maximise efficiency by reducing unnecessary water use. Potential water savings measures considered include:

  • Improved measurement systems for water use;
  • Monitoring and targeting systems, including key performance indicators;
  • Leakage detection and repair, from base flow analysis of metering data to on-the-ground investigations to pinpoint leaks.
  • Technology solutions such as flow optimisation for e.g. cleaning water flows;
  • Water reuse and recycling;
  • Alternative water sources, such as borehole and rainwater feasibility assessments; and
  • Many other bespoke solutions.

In addition to optimising water use and costs, audits show a commitment to sustainability for your organisation.

Water Management and Water Mass Balances

A key part of the water audit process, a water mass balance compares total site consumption against observed and measured site usage trends. The result is a comprehensive picture of how, when and where water is used across a site. This allows the suggestion of targeted water savings measures, ensuring the best ‘bang for your buck’ when investing in efficiency projects.

Mabbett are excellently placed to produce an accurate water mass balance for your business, thanks to our extensive experience and technological solutions. This includes ultrasonic flow metering equipment, which can measure flows across a site non-intrusively, from the outside of the pipe.

Water Management Implementation Support

At Mabbett, we aren’t happy with just consultancy reports – we want to see actual savings delivered. As such, we also offer comprehensive implementation support to help you transform a water audit report into water savings. This applies to a range of potential water savings measures, from simple plumbing upgrades to complex water recycling systems. Our services here include:

  • Conceptual design of solutions, typically included in the water audit process;
  • Outline design of systems in a form to allow tendering of the project;
  • Assistance throughout the tendering process, including identification of vendors, management of site visits, and evaluation of responses;
  • Project engineering support throughout construction and commissioning; and
  • Post project evaluation of savings delivered.

Ten Steps to Water Efficiency

Ready to reduce water consumption in your business? Our ten-step process is proven to assist your business to improve water efficiency. Take a look at our latest blog post for more.

Water Management and Bill Validation

We also offer a robust Bill Validation service for water and effluent – here, we identify any billing errors that may be present, access any potential rebates, and liaise with your retailer to reduce your bills. Best of all, we offer this as a ‘gain share’ service, with no upfront cost – similar to ‘no win, no fee’ legal services.

Water & Wastewater - Related Services

To find out more about how Mabbett can work with you, please get in touch.

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